Nazareth Christian Academy is an independent day school serving students in grades K5-12 Greenville, South Carolina.
Philanthropy at Nazareth Christian Academy
Thank you for your interest in supporting Nazareth Christian Academy School. Like all independent schools, NCA depends upon the generosity of our community to sustain and advance the school's mission. We welcome you to join into the tradition that has made and will continue to make such a positive impact on the lives of all of our students.
Nazareth Christian Academy School Tuition Payment Options
"Tuition" is the yearly cost for admittance to an institution (ex: collage Tuition is "x" amount per year.) It dose not vary based on Daily attendance or absences (ex: holidays). NCA allow tuition to be paid by the week or by the month. Each family should select the payment plan that is best suited for their budget. Also, please note that Failure to make timely tuition payments would jeopardize a child's enrollment status.
Yearly Tuition Fees 2024-2025
Grade Level 1st Child Additional Children
K5 - 5th Grade $6,500.00 $6,050.00 each
Example: If you have 1 child in elementary school and 1 child in K5, your yearly tuition would be $12,050.00. This would mean weekly payment of $301.25 or monthly $1,205.00.
Choosing the Weekly Plan means that you will pay tuition on the 1st day of every week of the school year (40 consecutive weeks beginning day 1 of school.)
Choosing the Monthly Plan means that you will pay tuition on the 1st day on the10 months ( August -May) Rate = yearly total (above) divided by 40 (weeks). Rate = yearly total (above) divided by 10 months. Aug. 3, Sept. 1, Oct.1, Nov. 2, Dec. 1, Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, Apr 1., May. 3
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